Monday 2 November 2015

Sunday, Busy, Sunday

I am keen to grow my vegie garden using the principles of square foot gardening
I've made a grid that can be moved from bed to bed as I plant out. I use the SFG book to find out my plant spacings. The idea is that plants are put close together in squares of approximately 1 foot or 30cms and each square has something different planted so it looks like a patchwork quilt to confuse the bugs.
I have made my own seed tape but because I needs squares I have used a paper serviette. I made a glue of cornflour and water cooked up and put into an old sauce bottle which was used to attach seeds to serviettes. Today I did carrots, leeks and parsnips
I sowed 6 seeds each of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli as these will all go in a brassica bed because they will need to be netted with the fine net to stop the cabbage moths from wrecking the plants. This is the only exception in square ft gardening for not mixing it up
I pulled the remnants of my corn up and gave to the chooks to scratch around in.
I picked my comfrey, mixed it with water and put aside in a bucket  with a lid to stew away in the sun to make a comfrey tea to feed to my plants later in the year.
After the corn was ripped out from here, I planted my sweet potato cuttings as they were looking incredibly healthy. This garden bed is going to have a hot house built around it in a few weeks and so the sweet potatoes might just last out the winter as the season is so short here. Its all experimental so I will be interested to see how it goes.
I used my blender to mush up my vegie scraps and fed them to the worms.

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