Tuesday 3 November 2015

End of Season Soup

Here it is, Spring and as I think about the garden and what I'll soon be planting, I saw that the parsnips, leeks and carrots were about to go to seed and that I should harvest them and use them up before it was too late.

I decided to turn them into soup and clear out some of the produce in the freezer, to make room for the up and coming season's goodies.

Firstly, I cut up the leeks and cooked them slowly in a bit of butter till they were soft.

In went some frozen capsicum.

Frozen cauliflower

Frozen shredded cabbage

Left over stock, I make my own from roast chicken carcasses and store in the freezer.

Frozen broccoli.

Roast pumpkin which has been frozen

3 containers of tomato passata 

The parsnips from the garden, chopped.

Chopped carrot from the garden

Then I added shredded silverbeet from the garden.

And a big bunch of parsley, chopped.

The last thing I do after its simmered on the stove for as long as I think it needs, is the seasonings. I usually keep adding till the Bearded Wonder, nods in approval (it is his soup, after all)

Then I dish it up to him and freeze the rest. He takes it to work each day for his lunch.

All this cost very little, in fact the cost of the electricity would have been the main cost. It turns out to be a thick hearty soup which the Bearded Wonder loves.

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