Friday 30 October 2015

Which Everyday Illness is the Best When You Are Being Frugal?

Being a teacher, I come across kids that have a range of illnesses and it got me thinking if I got sick, how would it effect my No Spend Year?

If I had the Flu my expenses would be a trip to doctor {cash for doctors bill and petrol}, medication {from the chemist, petrol}, "immune boosting" foods like chicken noodle soup; tissues, cough lollies, magazines or movies. I would lose some sick leave.

If I had a Cold, my expenses would be over the counter medication, possible trip to the doctor, "immune boosting" foods, tissues. The duration is shorter than the flu, offsetting some of the cost. I would be able to go to work.

If I contracted Conjunctivitis, my expenses would be a trip to doctor and medication. Plus I would lose some day’s sick leave as I am not allowed to attend school with a contagious condition. 

If I had Gastro. My expenses would be zero. The benefits would be that I couldn’t drive anywhere, can't eat anything, can't do anything. Losing 2kgs in one day.  

I guess I am lucky that so far none of these apply, as teachers seem to be immune to a lot of these nasties.
Stay well everyone,

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