Friday 30 October 2015

Time For Change

December 24th 2011

I have always thought I'd like to challenge myself to become more frugal and at first I thought I would have a No Spend Month which I read about in the newsletter, but I thought "yeah, I could do that easily" so now I am challenging myself to a NO SPEND YEAR. 

So, I've been preparing myself.  I've contemplated the cost of things and plan to reduce  my expenses while reducing my impact on the environment, for example, I have a vegie garden planted out which will become productive in the next few weeks.  In fact, I have made this Christmas a pretty much of a non event this year as I trial my thoughts on the situation. Not being religious, Christmas has no special meaning for me or my husband and luckily my family so we decided not to get caught up in the rubbish that goes along with it.  For example, can you imagine how freeing it was NOT having to shop, no having to put up with people's stress, crowded streets, or bargain hunting. None of it!!!!  One thing I need to tell you about myself is that I like to enter competitions and sometimes I win a few throughout the year. This came in handy when it came time to provide gifts for my 2 grand-daughters (just because the adults can't be fussed doesn't mean the kids have to miss out) One got a doll's pram and the other a book. I had also won another book which was an ideal gift for me Secret Santa recipient at work.

So by not going crazy at Christmas, I will NOT have any outstanding bills in January and that has to be a good thing. 

What will be my rules for the NO SPEND YEAR?

I CAN spend money on food
I CAN spend money on utilities and general household bills
I CAN spend money on petrol
I CAN spend money on medical expenses (doctor visits, chemist, dentist etc)
I CAN spend money on my animals welfare and food.
I CAN spend money on my vegetable garden.
I will keep a DIARY on all expenditure

In preparation, I have downloaded free book-keeping software to track my expenditure and I have also read several book to inspire and help me. 

Debt Free, Cashed Up and Laughing 


Cath Armstrong and Lea-Anne Brighton

The $21 Challengeby Fiona Lippey and Jackie Gower 

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life 


Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp (Authors)

 The outcome if I succeed should be a sense of satisfaction, pride in actually being able to NOT BUY UNNECESSARY STUFF because that all it is, JUST STUFF.  Here's to getting this challenge on the road!

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