Friday 30 October 2015

The Beauty From The Beast.

Who has seen the documentary called The People’s Supermarket?  It was a revolutionary idea to get people the think differently than the regular supermarkets and part of that was to accept perfectly tasty but malformed fruit and vegies.  Today on the way to my supermarket I walked past a green grocer selling malformed red capsicums for $4.50 a kg. I continued on my way inside the supermarket and found their gems of perfection at $9 a kg.  On my way back passed, I stopped into the green grocer and I bought a kilo.  I found out that they are grown only 5 km from my house and I knew that they would taste just fine.

I prepared them but taking out the middle and cutting them up so they would sit skin up onto a baking tray. Then I blackened the skins under the grill and closed them all into a plastic bag for 10 minutes so they could sweat and cool a bit. Then I removed the skins and chopped into small pieces, storing them in a jar covered in olive oil.  I keep this in the fridge. When I want some for a dish, I just spoon some into a small frypan and fry the hardened oil off it. Then throw it into the lasagne or casserole. 
Lesson 13: Try to buy local produce and fruit and vegies DO NOT have to look perfect to taste great. Think of ways that you can prepare bulk buys of fruit and vegies and store for later use.


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