Friday 30 October 2015

Happy New Year

 Let me introduce myself and explain my situation. I am a teacher who was given the opportunity to go part time this year.  After more than a decade of full time work and as I am no spring chicken any longer, I was only too happy to jump at this chance to do some things for myself.  It is just me, (Deb) and my DH, so I have thought it was about time to think about how are we going to live when its pension time.  Unfortunately for both of us, our parents had the attitude that money was never to be discussed and therefore we were not taught how to understand, handle, save, or invest money.  This, in my opinion, has been the biggest disadvantage to our entire lives. We have had money come and go and we have spent unwisely.  This has to stop and I am making this year a promise to myself to NOT SPEND outside the criteria already discussed earlier. 

I feel like I should be doing something monumental today, like destroying my credit card but I'm not. I already know all its details off by heart so buying online would still be a real possibility. I have to get tough on myself and exercise some real control. You know, I used to kid myself, saying that I am NOT a consumer, and that I am NOT a shopper but by looking at my credit card expenses for the last year I have to face the truth, that I AM a consumer and a shopper and I have made some very bad decisions.

I am beginning the year with $0 on my credit card as I DON’T want to begin on the back foot.  I will NOT have money to pay for extras so there will be NO extras.  I’d like to think I might even have money left over for a rainy day fund or an extra mortgage payment or two.

It's going to be an interesting year.


LESSON 1Teach your children how to understand money, budget, save, superannuation, maximise your tax returns and investing wisely. Some of these things I still do not understand, unfortunately. 

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